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  • MLCA

Preparing for the future

The motion is intended to pull together existing information and to gather new data which will provide state and regional fisheries managers the tools they need to sustain lobster populations:1. Synthesize current literature and studies which investigate the connectivity between the GOM/GBK stock and Canada:

The motion calls for a synthesis of existing scientific literature which investigates the connection between the GOM/GBK stocks and Canadian stocks.2. Plot changes in size distribution of egg-bearing females over time in the GOM/GBK stock:

The Technical Committee will also review changes in the size at which lobsters become mature in the GOM/GBK.3. Describe changes in GOM ocean currents and how this could be affecting larval supply patterns:

Ocean currents within the Gulf of Maine will also be examined to assess how they impact important indicators of health like larval settlement.4. Investigate the stock-recruit relationship in the GOM/GBK stock:

This relationship between the parent stock and the eventual recruitment resulting from spawning activity provides an important biological indicator for managers.5. Review on-going research on GOM lobster in order to identify research holes and prioritize the importance of these data holes to effective management:

It is important to improve and synthesize existing research, but it is also necessary to identify research that does not exist that is necessary to accomplish management objectives.6. Examine the competing biological management measures between Area 1, 3 and the Outer Cape Cod to look at the benefits of harmonizing these measures:

Differing biological measures among Areas 1, 3 and the Outer Cape Cod Management Area will be reviewed to determine if they should and can be made consistent.7. Investigate and develop a Traffic Light Analysis for the GOM/GBK stock:

A Traffic Light Analysis includes a combination of economic and biological indices. It provides a graphical interpretation that simplifies analysis of multiple, complex indicators and their relationships to each other and a larger management plan. A Traffic Light Analysis will incorporate average harvest and abundance values over the past 10 years as well as indices like the settlement and ventless trap surveys, trawl survey data, landing information, and other indices as recommended by the Technical Committee.


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