Maine price
Week of October 10, 2011 Week of October 12, 2009
straight 3.20-3.60 straight 2.65-3.10
select 4.10-6.60 select 3.80-3.96
new shell 2.90-3.25 new shell 2.75-3.85
old shell 3.95-6.00 old shell 4.25-4.85
week of October 11 2010 Week of October 13, 2008
straight 3.10-3.65 straight 2.25-2.90
select 3.75-5.00 select NA
new shell 3.20-3.80 new shell 2.50-2.80
old shell 4.00-5.50 old shell 4.50-5.75
Source: MLA