A hallmark of the Maine lobster industry is tradition. Lobstermen hand down standards and practices to their children and grandchildren personally, on the boat and on land. Lobstering is not learned from a book or a You Tube video. The young learn it slowly, from calloused hands. We feature here a selection of photos of the children of the Maine lobster fishery. Look for more pictures in the coming months!

Owen Reynolds and newly painted buoy. Image courtesy Travis Reynolds, Owls Head.

Mia and Dean Real aboard the FV Restless Logan, South Harpswell. Image courtesy Melissa Moody

Hunter Penny from Belfast holding up a big one. Image courtesy Charles Penney.

Olive with her grandfather aboard the FV Bossy Lady out of York Harbor. Image courtesy Jackie Robinson

Cameron Staples with his trap aboard the FV Amada Lee, Perkins Cove. Omage courtesy Amanda Staples.

Jase helping his grandfather with some traps for the FV Knot Mine, Jonesboro. Image courtesy Rebecca Cox.

Cooper Strout aboard his grandfather's boat the FV Nancy J out of Cape Elizabeth. Image courtesy Nicole Strout.

Caiden O'Connor showing off his paint job fishing out of Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island. Image courtesy Mary Moon O'Connor.

Hauling is a joint effort by Cameron and Carter Lunt fishing out of Bass Harbor on the FV Steppin' Up. Image courtesy Megan Lunt.