In 1999 Maine passed a law that created the state’s Renewables Portfolio Standard, which mandated that 40% of retail electricity sold in the state would come from renewable sources by 2017. In 2009, an additional law established goals for wind energy development in the state that included developing 300 megawatts or more of wind energy in coastal waters by 2020, ramping up to 5,000 megawatts by 2030. Thus far just one wind energy project has been proposed for Maine state waters, the Maine Aqua Ventus development off Monhegan Island. This month Landings begins a series that will look at how other states are treating the prospect of offshore wind projects and how those projects affect fishermen.
In February or March, the proponents of Maine Aqua Ventus (MAV) will begin a hydrographic survey of a proposed electrical cable route from the wind turbine site southeast of Monhegan Island to Port Clyde. The survey faced a loud outcry from local lobstermen when MAV announced it would take place during November, 2017, when lobstering was still going strong in the area.
