First published in Landings, January, 2020
Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans will hold a gear innovation summit on February 11 and 12, 2020, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. According to DFO, reducing gear interactions with marine mammals and decreasing the frequency and impact of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear are fundamental and immediate challenges facing harvesters both here in Canada and around the world. New programs, methods and technologies are required to meet these challenges.
The Gear Innovation Summit will provide opportunities to explore and experience first-hand new technology and methods that work best to foster sustainable fishing practices. The meeting will bring together harvesters, technical experts, Indigenous partners, academia, non-government and government agencies at the regional, national and international levels. Discussions will assess a range of technological options, both short- and long-term, to reduce the likelihood of large whale entanglements. More information is available at Use the username and password to login and access the agenda, registration, and other additional information. Username: halifax, pass: innovation2020. Registration closes January 10, 2020.