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Maine Fishermen's Forum 2021

Recent Updates and Information. The In-person Forum has been canceled.

The Maine Fishermen’s Forum has been serving the commercial fishing community of Maine for over 45 years, and even though they are unable to host a live event this year, the Board of Directors has committed to several virtual events over the next six months. The activities that are planned range from virtual events to radio shows and are designed to occur during the 2021 winter and spring. The focus of these virtual events will encompass subjects such as Shellfish Day, Lobster Science, U.S. Coast Guard Safety Seminar, Young Fishermen Event, and many others. Once the schedule is finalized, a listing of events will be posted on the Forum Facebook page, the Forum website as well as through media releases and email notifications.

Fishermen’s Forum Will Still Offer Student Scholarships in 2021

The Maine Fishermen’s Forum Board of Directors will give out $40,000 in scholarships to students from families involved in Maine’s fishing industry, despite having to cancel the annual 3 day event. Traditionally, the drawing is held at the Forum in March every year, however this year it will be held on Friday, March 5, 2021. Winners will be announced on the Forum website, and on the Forum Facebook page on the same day. Candidates must complete the Forum application, be in at least their second year of college or a vocational school, and will need to submit a transcript along with the application. (Prior winners are not eligible for this drawing.) Scholarship applications are available online at the Forum website , or by sending a SASE to: Maine Fishermen’s Forum, PO Box 288, Bath, ME 04530. Applications can also be requested by calling (207) 442-7700. The deadline for submitting an application is Wednesday, March 3, 2021. If there are any questions, please contact Chilloa Young .


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