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The State of the Science will take place on June 17 and 18 at the University of Maine in Machias to discuss ecosystem-based fisheries management in eastern Maine, bringing together experts from local governments, fishing, science, and academic communities. The conference is the first step toward producing a comprehensive understanding of the current knowledge of the region’s watersheds, and intertidal, nearshore, and offshore ecosystems. Keynote speakers will present their research on these four ecosystems, including their governance and socioeconomics. The conference will then use breakout discussions to identify gaps in knowledge and next steps. The conference is hosted by the Eastern Maine Coastal Current Collaborative (EM3C). The EM3C partners are tasked with developing a scientific research framework that supports ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Eastern Maine Coastal Current and its associated watersheds. Speakers include Jon Hare, Science and Research Director, Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Paul Anderson, Executive Director, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries; Heather Leslie, Director, Darling Marine Center; Kristan Porter, MLA President; Mike Sargent, MLA Board Member; Carl Wilson, Bureau of Marine Science Director, Department of Marine Resources. For more information or to register visit http://stateofthescienceconference.org.