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Seafood Expo Shed's Light on Lobster's Global Reach


The Maine Lobstermen’s Association with support from the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative and Hannaford Supermarkets once again hosted a free bus trip for lobstermen and others to the Seafood Expo North America in Boston.

The goal of the trip is to make lobstermen aware of the stature of Maine lobster in the global marketplace and also of the tough competition Maine’s iconic marine product faces.

Thirty people escaped the March mud of Maine to attend day two of the three-day show, which features seafood purveyors, packaging firms, and dealers from around the world. This year the Expo presented a seminar on the status of North Atlantic right whales which most of the Maine contingent attended. Later in the day, the group took part in the Maine Lobster Reception, hosted by the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative, where they sampled Maine wine and lobster dishes with other Expo attendees.

Governor Janet Mills spoke briefly, complimenting Maine lobstermen on their work ethic and resourcefulness. “Yes, there are challenges,” she said, referring to the difficulties with right whales and a looming herring bait shortage. “But as Mainers, we solve problems. It’s in our DNA.” “What a great networking event, in addition to the Expo!” remarked Christal Applin of Swans Island. John Drouin of Cutler summed it up. “Our favorite experience at the show? Honestly, the entire day was fantastic!”


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