Despite the fact that the Maine Fishermen’s Forum was cancelled this year due to COVID-19, the Forum’s Board was able to award 23 educational scholarships to children, grandchildren or dependents of Maine fishing families. The scholarships assist students in at least their second year of college or vocational school to pay for school expenses. Funding for the scholarships comes from many sources, the most popular of which is the annual Friday night auction held at the Forum. The auction brings out the crowd, many of whom compete with each other in raising the bid prices on everyday items sky high.

Image Courtesy: M. Young
This year the auction was held online, but the enthusiasm of the participants remained the same. Bids flocked in for items such as an Icelandic sweater, a sea bag commemorating the Hayley Ann, lost at sea in early 2020, and overnight accommodations at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. It was the handknit socks, made each year by Maggie Raymond, however that really got the bids going. After a steady increase in bid amounts, the wool socks were finally won with a $455 bid from Hank Soule, longtime Forum board member.
This year the Board awarded $43,500 to the following students, a remarkable feat in a remarkable year.
Aubrey Anderson Alan Miller Spruce Head
Mackenzie Arey Heron Arey Milbridge
Matthew Beard Matthew Beard Portland
Hayden Brewer Russell Brewer Boothbay Harbor
Jacquelyn Cook John Cook, Jr. Perry
Reece Dannenberg Carl Dannenberg Sedgwick
Paige Dennison Kory Dennison Vinalhaven
Margaret Kelly Thomas & Peter Kelly Portland
William LaBrecque Raymond H Swett Jr. Southport
Levi Little James R. Little Phippsburg
Adeline McDonald Jason McDonald Deer Isle
Erin Moody Brian Moody Harpswell
Nolan R. Murphy Shawn Murphy Seal Cove
Adam Norwood II Adam Norwood Blue Hill
Moriah Nutter William Nutter Deer Isle
Shaw Pinkham-McKnight Ronald Pinkham Five Islands
Caitlyn Rich Lawrence Rich South Portland
Jordan Rich Todd Rich Long Island
Jon Robbins Stephen H Robbins, Jr Little Deer Isle
Madigan Saunders Charles Saunders Harpswell
Rosemary Train Steve Train Long Island
Libby Weed Leroy Weed Jr. Stonington
Cooper Wirkala Jim Wirkala Spruce Head