The Maine-New Hampshire Inshore Trawl Survey is a biannual survey of living marine resources in the coastal waters of Maine and New Hampshire conducted by the Department of Marine Resources. Its purpose is to fill a significant information gap that hinders management of Maine’s marine resources.

F/V Robert Michael. DMR photo.
The Fall survey began in New Hampshire waters on September 25, and will work its way east to finish up about October 27 near Cutler/Lubec. The vessel is a white fiberglass Northeast 54’, the F/V Robert Michael of Portland, captained by Rob Tetrault. The vessel will fish the first five good days each week, using the weekend to make up for bad weather or equipment problems.
As in the past, DMR asks that on the scheduled day of the tow, an area 1/8th mile on either side of the tow line be clear of fixed gear. We make every effort to avoid contact with gear by making at least one and often two passes on the tow line before we set our gear. However, if buoys are running under, we cannot see them and mistakenly conclude that the area is clear.

Each Class I, II, and III lobster license holder receives a notice of the start of the survey. This notice contains a link to this site where the daily schedule and charts are located to view scheduled tow locations and coordinates. If weather does not permit us to work, we expect that lobstermen will not be fishing that day. Therefore, it is our hope that everyone, the trawl survey and lobstermen, will slide the schedule one day forward. Marine Patrol will be on hand as well to assist with tow operations, including moving traps.

Chart of anticipated trawl areas; click for interactive chart. DMR image.
Gear consists of a modified shrimp net with a 2-inch mesh in wings and 1-inch mesh liner in the cod end. Foot rope and head ropes are 57’ and 70’ respectively, with 6-inch rubber cookies. The gear was designed to be very light on the bottom to minimize habitat disruption. DMR attempts to complete 120 tows during each survey.
The best source of information about the survey is directly from the boat crew. Lobstermen can hail them on either channel 16 or 13, and then switch to your preferred local working channel. The crew cell phone is 557-5276. Visit the trawl survey website here.