The Maine Lobstermen’s Association once again returned to Seafood Expo North America, formerly known as the Boston Seafood Show, in March with a busload of seafood enthusiasts. The day-long trip on March 13, co-sponsored by Hannaford and Machias Savings Bank, included tickets to the show and an afternoon reception hosted by the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative.

L to R: UMaine graduate students Tolu Oyikeke & Krissa Davis enjoying the trip.

L to R: Aaron Whitman, Krissa Davis and Josh Stoll enjoying seafood treats at the reception after the show.

L to R: Chantal Jennings, MLA COO Amber-Jean Nickel & MLA staff person Mindy Coath at the seafood reception.

A crew of cheerful lobstermen, MLA staff, and industry people arrive at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center in March.
The trip helped participants to better understand the world markets that Maine lobster competes within and to recognize the stature the state’s lobster holds within those markets. Plus there was time to enjoy plenty of fine seafood at the end of the day!

Special thanks to Hannaford and Machias Savings Bank for making this day possible.